Philatelic Society of Queensland

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Philatelic Society of Queensland

Meetings & Events

PSQ's 28th Open Day, 2024

Club tables at the 28th Open Day
Getting down to the day's business

Our 28th Annual Open Day at Wynnum Bowls Club on 30th June was a great day out for philatelists.

The PSQ members who helped make the day a success warmly welcomed 7 other clubs, who came along with their exchange books: we thank our friends from Caboolture, Caloundra, Ennogera, Ipswich, Junction Park, Sherwood and Waterloo Bay. Thanks to Les Sheward and Brisbane Stamps for putting on dealer tables.

Just under 80 people signed in at the door, and enjoyed the club tables, the bargain table and the auction. We particularly thank the kind people who donated collections for auction and to everyone who donated door and raffle prizes.

Food and beverages were available throughout the day, thanks to three stalwart volunteers who made and sold items from the kitchen.

Thank you to the judges who assessed the 7 one-frame exhibits for the Sheard Memorial Competition and to members of the public for voting for the 3 five-page exhibits. 

Viewing auction lots

Our regular events

At the Philatelic Society of Queensland, we play an active part in promoting the hobby in its many aspects. We pride ourselves on the breadth of our members’ philatelic interests.

Each month we enjoy presentations and talks from members or invited guests speakers on their interests. We also invite members to bring along interesting and rare items to share in our popular “Show and Tell” sessions. We run a raffle and light refreshments are available on the night for a coin donation.

We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month, except for December, when we take our end of year break.  Meetings are held at QPC House, 18 Coolcrest Street, Wynnum, Queensland, 4178.  They start at 7.00pm. A map and basic directions to reach QPC House from the Gateway Motorway (M1) can be found on the Contact & Join page.

Typically, we start with a short business section when members hear of upcoming events and have their say in club matters.  We are actively seeking to grow as a club.

An annual highlight is PSQ’s Open Day, usually in July, when philatelic items are available through auction, from invited dealers and from friends in other clubs. The PSQ bargain table is always popular. This lively event also sees the PSQ’s own Sheard Award competition for 15-page philatelic exhibits, assessed by accredited judges, as well as a 5-page competition judged by popular vote. We run door and raffle prizes at the Open Day.

PSQ is  keen to participate at philatelic exhibitions; member displays are always seen at the annual Brisbane Stamp and Coin Expo, as well as at national exhibitions around Australia. A few of our members also exhibit internationally.

Malcolm Givans receives his Large Vermeil Award from Chair of the Judges, Joan Orr, at the Queensland Stamp Show 2023. Judge Russell Boylan looks on. Malcolm received the award for his informative one frame postal exhibit, entitled "United States Postal Agency in Shanghai"
Wayne Pratsch receiving the Champion Exhibit Award from Joan Orr at the Queensland Stamp Show 2023. QPC Treasurer Tom Cowgill is in the background, in front of Wayne's exhibit. Wayne's fabulous 5-frame postcard gold medal exhibit is entitled "A4 Class Locomotives - The Survivors"
PSQ thanks website designer Irene Krieger
Reinhard Krieger shows his collection of World War 2 POW and internee mail from Australia

Upcoming Meetings & Events


January 22nd, Philippines Mail (changed from original schedule)

February 26th, President’s Display – The Tonga Watermark – A Case of Mistaken Identity

March 26th, The Ottoman Empire Reaches Out – Mail to Central and Western Europe

April 23rd, To be announced

May 28th, Queensland Stamp Duty 1866-1880

June 1stPSQ Open Day at Kedron-Wavell Club, 21 Kittyhawk Drive, Chermside, QLD 4032

June 25th, Five Pages Saved From Fire or Flood” – Members to show the 5 pages they would save in the event of a Fire or Flood, and Why!

July 23rd, Results of Sheard Competition and Judges Summary

August 27th, Cape Province (Provisional Title)

September 24th,  Our annual Quiz night

October 22nd, East Germany: Postal System between April 1945 and the Establishment of the D.D.R.

November 26th,  Christmas Break-up. Super “Show and Tell”. Bring a plate!

Please come along and join us.  Guests are always welcome, and we are delighted when new members sign up.  We look forward to seeing you at future events.