Philatelic Society of Queensland

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Philatelic Society of Queensland

Philatelic Society of Queensland

The Mallard Locomotive

Sheard Competititon 2024 Feedback

Captain Torres & the Pilots

PSQ Supports Queensland Bicentennial Commemoration

Two hundred years ago, on 14th September 1824, a small penal settlement was established at what is now Redcliffe, on Moreton Bay. In those days, this was in the Colony of New South Wales, and was a long way from Sydney. The settlement was imposed on the lands of the indigenous people who lived there. The prison only lasted at Moreton Bay until 1825, when it was moved to what is now Brisbane, which after separation from NSW in 1859, would become the capital of the new Colony of Queensland.

On September 7th, 2024, as the State of Queensland celebrates its Bicentenary, there will be a Commemoration Conference for the Moreton Bay Settlement to be held at the Komo Hotel in Redcliffe.

"Red Cliff Living", painting courtesy of Melinda Serico, with grateful acknowledgements

The Philatelic Society of Queensland is proud to support the event, and three of our members have provided a paper entitled “A Philatelic Commemoration”. This is in conjunction with a commemorative cover that the Society is producing. Attendees will each receive a copy of the cover in their conference bags. The cover, which is funded by two of our members, has a personalised stamp for the conference.

The Conference is being hosted by the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, the Bribie Island Historical Society and History Redcliffe. It will be from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm on September 7th.  There will be a wide range of topics aired, including the indigenous point of view, the preparations for the settlement, how it unfolded, what happened afterwards, and the legacy of the settlement today.

Queensland's Oldest Stamp Club

The Philatelic Society of Queensland Inc. is the longest continuously running stamp club in Queensland.  Documents show that Queensland Philatelic Society, the original name of the Philatelic Society of Queensland, was founded on 10th February 1921. 

From its inception, the Society’s focus has been to promote the hobby of philately in all its aspects or, as the first constitution stated, “the objects of the Society are the perpetuation and advancement of the science of philately, to promote and encourage the development, advancement and improvement of stamp collecting, classification, study and education thereof, and suchlike and other objects relating to the practice and arts incidental to philately.”

The Society achieves this today by holding regular meetings, arranging for guest speakers, organising open days, exhibitions, and events.  Our members regularly attend and show at philatelic exhibitions around Australia, and occasionally overseas, and often come away with awards.  

PSQ has a small philatelic library which is available to members at meetings. The library list in PDF format is updated occasionally and emailed to members.  The library list is available from the Library Resources section on our Resources & Links page. Please click here.

More information on the Philatelic Society of Queensland can be found by clicking on the links below.

William Whyte Award goes to PSQ Member

Many congratulations go to Joan Orr, who won the prestigious William Whyte Award for 2023.

The Award is made each year by the Queensland Philatelic Council and is for outstanding and long-term contributions to philately in the State. Nominations are submitted by QPC member clubs. The Award commemorates William Whyte, who was the first Postmaster in Queensland and who took up office in Moreton Bay in 1830.

John Crowsley awarding Joan her Certificate on behalf of QPC
A token of appreciation from PSQ
Joan's William Whyte Trophy
Joan has been a member of PSQ and its predecessor, the Queensland Philatelic Society, since the late 1970’s. For many years, she has been involved in organising philatelic exhibitions and events here in Queensland and elsewhere and is an accredited judge.  We salute Joan as a great mentor for exhibitors. She provides support and encouragement in all areas of philately to philatelists in Queensland.
PSQ is very proud of Joan’s achievement.