Philatelic Society of Queensland

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Philatelic Society of Queensland

Members Displays

Stamp exhibitions are a very popular part of the hobby of philately.   This page showcases what PSQ members have shown and aims to encourage more people to exhibit their collections.

To exhibit, collectors arrange their stamps and/or other philatelic items on paper sheets, add text by way of explanation, and put the sheets in plastic protectors.  These pages are then placed in special frames, fifteen pages to the frame for Queensland State and PSQ Club exhibitions, or sixteen pages to the frame for Australian national and international exhibitions.   A collector’s exhibit can be just one frame, but usually they exhibit more frames, depending on what their exhibition is aiming to show.  Each year, there are many opportunities for PSQ members to exhibit at Club, State, National and International level.  In recent years, due to COVID-19, there have been virtual exhibitions, where everything is done on-line.

At State level and higher, accredited judges score the exhibits and provide feedback to exhibitors to help them improve.   Some events also have exhibits judged by public choice.  Medals and certificates are often awarded – please see the article on the Sheard Medal on the “Exhibitions Page” of this website.  

Due to data storage constraints, PSQ members can only show up to five of their pages here. 

To view the display pages, click on an image for an enlargement.
Use the arrows at the side of the enlargement to view other items in the gallery.
The magnifying glass at the top right of the screen will allow you to zoom in closer.
When finished,  click on the X at the top right to close the enlargement and to return to this page.

Five pages from Reinhard Krieger's collection of German and Italian POW and internee mail from WW2

Five pages from Joan Orr's Embossed Pre-paid Envelope display

Five pages from Malcolm Givan's display on Stamp Design Errors

Five pages from Philip Levine's display on Gold Coast postal stationery

Five pages from David Lloyd's open class display on the Design Pioneers of the Great Western Railway

Part of Murray Collins' display of 1938 single postcards of Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika (KUT)

The first 5 pages of Paul Xavier's display of the portraits of Queen Elizabeth II

The first 5 pages of Mike Freeman's display on the Ottoman Empire Star and Crescent Issues

We hope you enjoyed looking at these display pages.
We will be adding to the displays shown on this page, so please come back soon.